搜索"I" ,找到 27447部影视作品
Michael Walker
Paint is the story of three art-school grads (Joshua Caras, Olivia Luccardi and Paul Cooper) realizing that their degrees and artistic ambitions haven't necessarily prepared them for the real world and putting themselves in positions to confirm that darkness and pain are necessary to produce great art.
Ian Corson
道格(帕特里克·麦克高 Patrick McGaw 饰)和女友罗拉(Sarah Lassez 饰)交往多年,彼此之间感情十分要好。道格不仅身强体壮,脑袋也十分灵光,是医学院中难得的高材生,亦是校园棒球队中的强大主力。爱情学业双丰收的道格有着无比光明的未来。 某日,罗拉有事远行,道格来到一个宴会上解闷,在那里,道格结识了名为梅丽莎(莫利·林沃德 Molly Ringwald 饰)的女子。梅丽莎性感奔放,周身散发着费洛蒙的气息,这是罗拉无论如何也无法做到的,在梅丽莎的大胆诱惑之下,道格忍不住和她共度了激情的一夜。对于道格来说,这不过是一段短暂的露水情缘,但很显然梅丽莎却并不这么认为,当道格想要回归往日的生活之时,梅丽莎对他展开了步步紧逼的纠缠。
剧情 Bettie Page是上世纪五十年代最有名的海报女郎,性感而疯狂,以一身SM装扮闻名,记得ZIPPO也出过一系列印有她图案的火机。这位广告封面女神风靡了整个美国1950年代,是美国最早的女性偶像之一。她的风情身姿、挑逗眼神遍布明信片、扑克牌和唱片封套,《花花公子》中插页的大胆照片更是激起每个男子的无限幻想。虽然出身虔诚天主教家庭,但这毫不影响她在民风保守的五零年代就大胆地拍摄性虐与同性恋写真集,其影响所及甚至惊动国会掀起全面调查风波。 幕后 说起导演玛丽·哈伦,人们也许还对几年前她编导的《美国精神病人》(American Psycho)记忆犹新,这部被美国电影协会定为NC-17级的影片以其惊悚恐怖的氛围、辛辣的黑色讽刺意味在当时掀起轩然大波。影片中残忍的血腥屠杀与杀手的冷血变态让许多人一度再也不敢深夜里出来闲逛。此次,玛丽·哈伦带来《大名鼎鼎的贝蒂·佩吉》不禁让人心生期待。 午夜的黑暗与白昼的光芒如一体两面般集于一身,贝蒂·佩吉是时尚界的一个传奇。她出身于美国田纳西州一个保守派家庭,正如每个邻家女孩一样的甜美,但是命运把她带到了照相机前聚光灯下,让她迷惑住所有人的眼睛。而参议院的调查则反效果的把贝蒂推上全美的情色偶像之位。成千上万的人疯狂地追随模仿她的一切,深色皮肤、黑色头发、前卷刘海,直到她神秘的消失。观众尽可以在玛丽·哈伦的引导下回溯过去,欣赏这个安静羞赧的南部女孩如何在镜头前与美国大众分享她的半裸身体。当然,影片不会仅止于此。贝蒂的生活点滴和模特生涯透射的是导演对1950年代的性问题、宗教及流行文化的独特诠释,是那个已然逝去但依稀仍存的过去的美国。想怀旧?那么来吧。
Albie Hecht
Shane D. Stanger
Danny, a young man with muscular dystrophy who is disillusioned by failed relationships, steps out of his comfort zone and into the world of online dating.
Based on the Edgar Award-winning, nine-book “Karl Alberg” series by the late Canadian author L.R. Wright, Murder in a Small Town follows Karl Alberg (Sutherland), who moves to a quiet coastal town to soothe a psyche that has been battered by big-city police w姐姐的朋友5中汉字ork. But this gentle paradise has more than its share of secrets, and Karl will need to call upon 迅雷违规内容破解all the skills that made him a world-class detective in solving the murders that, even in this seemingly idyllic setting, continue to wash up on his shore. Kreuk stars as Cassandra, a local librarian who becomes Alberg’s muse, foil and romantic interest.
Tom Kalin
芭芭拉•戴利•贝兰克(朱丽安•摩尔 饰)美艳动人,她的丈守护甜心第一季夫布鲁克林(史蒂芬·迪兰 饰)是一名探险家。虽然丈夫腰缠万贯,让芭芭拉的生活富足,但她的生活并没有想象中幸福,因为丈夫到处探险的关系,她常常得不到丈夫的陪伴,因而变得让人感觉十分水性杨花。儿子托尼(艾迪•雷德梅纳 饰)成为了她的一切,并常常牵制儿子做事。 芭芭拉知道托尼是名同性恋,并极力撮合他与西班牙女友的爱情,可是托尼最后并没有跟那名女孩在一起。布鲁克林却跟儿子的女友私奔了,这样令芭芭拉感到十分伤心。托尼也十分不舍得父亲的离开,他也目睹了母亲自父亲离开后的痛苦。之后他们四处为家,一直患病的芭芭拉还曾自杀过。 芭芭拉多年来一直没有放弃要让儿子变回异性恋,她竟然要与儿子发生关系,以让儿子尝试性爱的味道。终于舞台春秋,托尼再也无法忍受母亲了,一把尖刀刺向了芭芭拉……
Emma Catalfamo
Shakespeare once said, "what tangled webs we weave", and this is the through-line of On the Fringe of Wild. Peter is a young gay man whose father is trying to make a man of him by taking him camping. He is also a talented artist who uses drawing to escape his life and hopes to get into a prestigious art school. He is being bullied by almost everyone at school, especially the popular boy Miles, who himself is closeted and using a tough guy image and a girlfriend on his arm as his defense from being found out. Miles is having a secret affair with Jack, a very insecure young man living in constant fear of his very violent and abusive alcoholic father. When Jack and Peter each escape their living situations, a chance encounter will change their lives forever as the two set up a temporary home free of the bigotry and violence they have endured. As they become close and try to be their authentic selves, Jack can no longer take the forces that are trying to tear them apart, leading to an ending that is incredibly difficult to accept but all too often a reality for many LGBTQ+ youth.
Dimitri Verhulst
At Christine's funeral, her foster son suddenly shows up, a grown-up man with whom the family has been out of contact for quite some time. He brought a letter, stating that Christine wants to be buried in Wentelen, to the bewilderment of her biological children, and even more so to that of her husband. In addition to that, all the relatives are surprised that the foster son of Christine apparently maintained a correspondence with Christine. Nevertheless, Christine's last wish is respected, and they decided to bury her in Wentelen, and wish to do so traditionally, meaning: walking behind the hearse. During a walk of several days, all the relatives (foster sisters, foster father, alleged friends and real ones, the foster son, lovers) have enough time to get to know each other better. Because in the end they have no other conclusion than that nobody really knew anyone. Old intrigues are dug up, the foster sisters finally learn why the foster brother just disappeared from the family, and they can begin to develop a real image of the mother. Once Christine's final resting place is reached and she is buried, all family ties, good and bad, are shaken around.