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The film shows an obscure episode from the life of a Stalinist criminal - Colonel of the Office of Public Security, Julia Brystiger. Her nickname was "Bloody Luna" because during interrogations she tortured prisoners with extreme cruelty. At the beginning of 1960s she appeared in Laski near Warsaw, in the Institute for the Blind, where the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, was also a frequent visitor. His imprisonment in the years 1953-1956 was supervised by none other than Julia Brystiger herself. During the difficult and tempestuous conversation with the Primate, Julia Brystiger rejects the communist ideology, asks for her crimes to be forgiven and for help in finding God...
Joachim Kunert
Two 17-year-olds, Werner Holt and Gilbert Wolzow, are pulled out of school and into Hitler's army. Gilbert becomes a fanatical soldier, but at the front Werner begins to understand the senselessness of war. When Gilbert is hanged by the SS, Werner turns his gun on his own army. This film, based on Dieter Noll's novel, is a political and artistic masterpiece. Its fresh and surprising frankness about the toll war takes on youth found great public resonance after the film's release.
Chuck Workman
Featuring interviews with the likes of Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Robert Bresson and David Lynch, What is Cinema? is documentarian Chuck Workman’s engrossing visual essay about mastery of cinematic form. Our world premiere will be followed by a live conversation with Workman.
这些是第一次世界大战的年代,斯特凡诺·佐尔齐医生在意大利北部一座大城市的免除诊所度过他的日子。在那里,他不仅照顾从前线屠杀中归来的士兵,还与那些希望被免除服役的人作斗争,这些人通过送他们去军事法庭来进行模拟和自残。斯特凡诺从未想过会遇到一个故意寻求病理的人,就像为了从更大的邪恶中拯救自己而购买救生艇一样。但现在他厌倦了这场使他成为检察官和宪兵的冲突。 朱利奥·法拉迪医生则在一栋偏僻建筑的公寓里工作。他是一个不安分的人,强烈反对战争,对那些在他的“私人战争”中的士兵怀有一种温柔而占有欲的爱。如果斯特凡诺确实尽了最大的努力来治疗士兵并让他们回去战斗,朱利奥则让他们生病,或者帮助他们严重自残,足以被免除服役。这两位医生是大学同学,也是好朋友,他们不仅在专业上暗自较劲,在感情上也是如此:他们都与安娜有联系,她是一位勇敢且性格坚强的护士。但在1918年那场可怕的“西班牙”流感大流行到来之际,爱情、政治和科学交织在一起,危险地纠缠在一起…
John De Caux
Together: 4-In-A-Row goes inside another momentous campaign to show the leadership, determination, resilience and teamwork required to win consistently. Set to be released on 20 November on CITY+, the film features exclusive interviews with Pep Guardiola, Ballon d’Or winner Rodri and club captain Kyle Walker, as well as Director of Football Txiki Begiristain and City Football Group Chief Executive Officer Ferran Soriano amongst others. Broadcasters Gary Lineker and Seema Jaswal are among the football experts to share their insight into yet another hard-fought and demanding season. From the arrival of new signings Jeremy Doku, Josko Gvardiol, Mateo Kovacic and Matheus Nunes, to the Club World Cup victory and Kevin De Bruyne’s return from injury, Together: 4-In-A-Row documents the challenges, adversity and winning moments in another tight Premier League race as City made history by becoming the first English team to ever win four successive titles. Providing fans with immersive and exclusive access to the first team, it is the latest release in the ‘Together’ collection, filmed by an embedded camera crew and produced by City Studios – Manchester City’s unique, world-class creative content and production hub. “As players, we’re incredibly lucky to have enjoyed success and incredible moments over the last few years,” Walker said. “We continue to strive to be the best, break boundaries and aim to achieve things that may never have been done before and last season was testament to the hard work, resilience and determination we have as a team. “This film not only captures a moment of history for the club but also highlights the true togetherness we have as a squad that helps us to achieve such amazing success.” Gavin Johnson, Media Director at City Football Group, said: “We’re delighted to announce the release of our latest offering in the ‘Together’ collection. “Produced once again by our award-winning in-house production and creative hub, City Studios, the documentary film offers our fans a true insight into the team and how they achieved the historic four-in-a-row success.” Together: 4-In-A-Row will be released on 20 November at 18:00 (UK) on CITY+
神秘的51区,因与高科技以及外星人紧紧联系在一起,所以数十年来始终是人们倍感好奇的一个所在。21世纪的某天,军方迫于美国民众的压力,决定首次将51区对外开放。不久,媒体人山姆·惠特克(约翰·西亚 John Shea 饰)和克莱尔·法伦带着各自的团队来到位于51区的美军基地,而负责充当向导的罗纳德·马丁上校如临大敌,他不仅要让这几个记者感到空前的透明和震撼,还要竭尽全力保住军方最为紧要的秘密。与此同时,51区关押着一个25年前抓获的外星人,代号“0号病人”,他可以幻化成任何人的模样,并模仿对方说话。就在51区对外开放的这天,0号病人伺机逃出了牢房…… 本片为syfy电视台拍摄的电视电影。
在罪恶横行的高汉市,有一个令罪犯们心惊胆颤的名字:蝙蝠侠。蝙蝠侠(迈克尔•基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)穿梭于最黑暗的角落,四处打击罪恶。在一次打击罪恶的行动中,蝙蝠侠令匪徒尼巴(杰克bl文库肉yin荡受•尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)落入了化学池。尼巴因此面部神经受损,成了永远陈晓东电视剧咧嘴笑的笑面人,人称“小丑”。 “小丑”杀死了团伙的首领,控制了整个高汉市的黑道。“小丑”利用化学药品让人发笑而死,他用这种方法袭击了博物馆,幸得蝙蝠侠及时赶到,挫败了“小丑”的阴谋。在女友碧姬(金•贝辛格 Kim Basinger 饰)家里时,“小丑”突然袭击,蝙蝠侠巧妙躲过了袭击,意外发现“小丑”就是杀死自己的父母的仇人。 “小丑”这次虏走了蝙蝠侠的女友碧姬,约定蝙蝠在教堂楼顶决一死战!
一年一度的维也纳新年音乐会将于2025年1月1日在著名的金色大厅隆重举行。今年的音乐会特别邀请到享誉全球的意大利指挥大师里卡尔多·穆蒂担任指挥,与维也纳爱乐乐团携手为全世界的乐迷开启崭新的一年。这场音乐会不仅延续了经典的施特劳斯家族旋律,还特别致敬小约翰·施特劳斯诞辰200周年,用十首作品勾勒出“圆舞曲之王”辉煌的一生。 里卡尔多·穆蒂与维也纳爱乐的合作堪称传奇,自1971年首次携手至今,已共同呈现超过500场演出,其中包括六场新年音乐会。2025年,83岁的穆蒂将迎来他第七次执棒这一盛会,再续经典。四年前的无观众新年音乐会至今令人难忘,今年穆蒂将再次站在金色大厅的指挥台上,用他标志性的潇洒与活力,为全球乐迷带来无与伦比的艺术享受。 今年的音乐会曲目尤为特别,不仅涵盖了小约翰·施特劳斯的经典之作《蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲》《加速圆舞曲》《美酒、女人与歌圆舞曲》等,还首次引入女作曲家的作品——康斯坦兹·盖格的《费迪南德圆舞曲》。这一安排不仅彰显音乐会的多样性与创新性,也为女性创作者带来更大的舞台。 音乐会的视觉表现同样令人期待。维也纳国家芭蕾舞团将在《加速圆舞曲》和《非此即彼快速波尔卡》的旋律中翩翩起舞,演出场景选址维也纳技术博物馆与塞默林南轨的酒店,将施特劳斯家族的浪漫音乐与铁路工业的历史巧妙结合。适逢世界首条公共铁路——英国斯托克顿-达灵顿铁路开通200周年,这场音乐与舞蹈的结合将为观众带来一种恢弘的沉浸式体验。 今年的音乐会将通过影院银幕将这一顶级视听盛宴呈现给全球观众。无论是细腻的演奏细节,还是环绕式的音效体验,都能让观众仿若置身于金色大厅之中。 --- 2025年维也纳新年音乐会曲目单 **上半场** 1. 老约翰·施特劳斯:《自由进行曲》 2. 约瑟夫·施特劳斯:《奥地利村燕圆舞曲》 3. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《破坏者法兰西波尔卡》 4. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《大湖圆舞曲》 5. 爱德华·施特劳斯:《轻快芬芳快速波尔卡》 **下半场** 1. 小约翰·施特劳斯:轻歌剧《吉普赛男爵》序曲 2. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《加速圆舞曲》 3. 小约瑟夫·赫尔梅斯伯格:《欢乐兄弟进行曲》(选自轻歌剧《紫罗兰姑娘》) 4. 康斯坦兹·盖格尔:《费迪南德圆舞曲》(改编:W.多纳尔) 5. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《非此即彼快速波尔卡》 6. 约瑟夫·施特劳斯:《交易圆舞曲》 7. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《安娜波尔卡》 8. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《闲聊快速波尔卡》 9. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《美酒、女人与歌圆舞曲》 **返场曲目** 1. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《印度舞姬快速波尔卡》 2. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲》 3. 老约翰·施特劳斯:《拉德茨基进行曲》
从小时候起,阿拉(纳瓦·君拉纳拉 Nawat Kulrattanarak 饰)和父亲的关系就不容乐观,所以,尽管父亲临终前告诫阿拉不要学习政治专业,但心中充满了叛逆的阿拉还是违背了父亲的遗言。长大后,阿拉接手了家族企业,并努力培养自己的弟弟毗满(Rapeepat Eakpankul 饰)成为一名外交官。 看着儿子们渐渐长大,母亲开始担心起了他们的终身大事。毗满告诉阿拉,自己已经有了心上人小瑰(Noon Woranuch 饰),让哥哥不用操心,但阿拉看不上小瑰的平凡,他擅自主张找到了小瑰,希望通过金钱诱惑她同毗满分手,而此时的小瑰正逢积蓄用钱的当口。但是,这一次,阿拉的算盘打错了,因为小瑰并不是那种见钱眼开的女孩子。
故事发生在1910年的伦敦,班克斯先生(David Tomlinson 饰)是一名银行职员,而班克斯太太(格莱妮丝·约翰斯 Glynis Johns 饰)则醉心于女权运动,公务缠身的两人顾不上照料膝下的一双儿女麦克(Matthew Garber 饰)和珍妮(Karen Dotrice 饰),只有请保姆代劳,可是,夫妻两人并不知道的是,古灵精怪的兄妹两,哪里是普通的保姆能够招架的了的! 一位名叫玛丽(朱丽·安德鲁斯 Julie Andrews 饰)漂亮姑娘来到了班克斯家应聘保姆的职位,她刚刚出场就令麦克和珍妮留下了深刻的印象。原来,玛丽是一位仙女,她的到来让两个孩子重新感受到了亲情和友情,亦让班克斯先生和太太明白了什么才是生命中最终要我的野蛮王妃国语的东西。
尼古拉斯·凯奇、朗·普尔曼、阿什丽·格林尼、杰基·厄尔·哈利([守望者])、乔·大卫·摩尔([阿凡达])、格蕾丝·拜尔斯(《嘻哈帝国》)将主演动作新片[退休计划](The Retirement Plan,暂译)。该片由蒂姆·J·布朗自编自导,卡司还包括埃涅·赫德森(《摩登家庭》)、瑞克·福克斯(《生活大爆炸》)、林恩·惠特菲尔德([真爱同心])、塔利亚·坎贝尔。 该片讲述阿什利(格林尼饰)和她的小女儿萨拉(坎贝尔饰)遭到一个犯罪集团的生命威胁,阿什利去求助了唯一能帮助她的人——但丁密码 迅雷下载与她疏远的父亲马特(凯奇饰)。马特在开曼群岛过着退休后的海滩流浪汉生活。他们的团聚转瞬即逝,因为他们很快就被犯罪头目唐尼(厄尔·哈利饰)和他的副手波波(普尔曼饰)在岛上追踪到了。随着阿什利、萨拉和马特被卷入一个越来越危险的网络中,阿什利很快了解到,她的父亲有着她一无所知的秘密过去。该片将于本周五在开曼群岛拍摄。
Adrian Shergold
一个男人由于患上了强迫性神经官能症,生活面临崩溃。可是在这样关键的时刻,他竟然遇上一段意想不到的风流韵事。黑色幽默的故事让观众惊喜连连。 The British indie DIRTY FILTHY LOVE offers a quirky spin on the standard romantic-comedy formula with the tragicomic misadventures of its neurochemically-addled hero. Mark Furness (Michael Sheen) is a thirtysomething architect whose marriage and career are threatened by his increasing obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette’s syndrome, which include repetitive and completely involuntary activities such as stair-counting, hand-washing, and swearing. When his wife Stevie (Anastasia Griffith) files for divorce and he loses his job to a subordinate, Mark turns to his doctor for help but instead meets a kindred soul, Charlotte (Shirley Henderson), who immediately diagnoses Mark’s mental disorders and offers him therapy via her own self-help group. The film’s darkly humorous yet poignant tone is carried by Sheen’s nuanced performance and an unsentimental script co-penned by Ian Puleston-Davies, whose own experiences with OCD lend authenticity to the proceedings.